August 19, 2011

It's a video Fab Friday today, and I'm featuring 3 things that made me happy (happy thoughts!) over the past couple of weeks! Hope you have a good weekend. I need some R&R for sure. Maybe a massage? At least that will be covered by my insurance...
  • I get the House and Home magazine newletter each week to my inbox, but most of the time just delete it without really looking at it. But this episode happened to catch my eye, and I love the way Sasha Seymour has integrated 70's classics into her space.
  • I love stop motion animation, and here's the worlds largest! Incredible.

  • Move, Eat, Learn. These videos made the rounds a few weeks ago, but they completely filled me with joy. 3 guys travelled all over the world and documented their trip in these videos. Make sure to check them all out.


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